If you choose to use recreational cannabis in PEI, you need to know the laws.
Existing laws also apply to the new types of cannabis products.
19+ to buy, possess or grow
If you are under 19, it is illegal to buy, possess or grow cannabis in Prince Edward Island. The only legal way to purchase recreational cannabis is through PEI Cannabis stores.
Cannabis possession
Adults 19+ can carry up to 30 grams of dried cannabis (or its equivalent) in public. There are no limits on how much cannabis you can have in your home (except for the number of plants).
Cannabis use at home, not in public
Adults 19+ can use cannabis in a private home or yard with the owner's permission. If you are renting, check with your landlord or the appropriate staff. It is illegal to use cannabis in public spaces.
In rented private homes, landlords may permit renters and their guests (aged 19+) to consume cannabis on attached outdoor balconies, decks or patios provided for that renter's private use.In multi-unit dwellings, such as apartment buildings, condos, and tourism establishments, like campgrounds and hotels, a person may consume on that rented space, if it is permitted by the owner/operator.
The rented or occupied space can include an outdoor balcony, deck or patio attached to that unit/room which has been provided for the occupant's private use, or the occupant's guest.
In a multi-unit dwelling, an owner/operator may designate an outdoor space for cannabis smoking or vaping, adjacent to the building, as long as that space is 15 feet, or more, from an entrance to the building or any outdoor air intake.
Never use cannabis
and drive
It’s illegal to drive while impaired by cannabis. You cannot use cannabis in any motorized vehicle (car, boat, off-road vehicle, etc.) whether it is moving or not.
Four plants per house - max.
Your household may grow up to four cannabis plants at one time, regardless of stage of growth. This is four plants per house, not per person. If you're renting, get written permission from your property owner before growing cannabis. If you're a condo owner, check your condo bylaws.
Growing cannabis indoors
The space where cannabis is grown indoors must be inaccessible to: (1) any person who has not been directly or indirectly invited to be in the home (e.g. someone who is trespassing); and (2) any person under the age of 19.
Cannabis grown outdoors cannot be visible from public spaces.
Cannabis plants must be in an enclosure at least 1.52 m high that is kept locked.
No sharing with minors
It is illegal to share cannabis with minors. Penalties include fines and in some cases can include prison. You can share cannabis with adults who are 19 years of age and older.
Stash your stash
In your vehicle, cannabis must be kept in a sealed container, out of reach of the driver and any passengers.
At home, cannabis must be stored safely away from children. It's also a good idea to keep it safely away from pets.
Disclaimer: This page is prepared for information purposes only, and should not be considered a substitute for the applicable statutes. Should there be any conflict between the contents of this page and the statutes, the statutes shall prevail.